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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  September 14, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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hikers detained in iran, she has been freed this morning. >> this report came in minutes ago. iran's television has reported that shair ra shourd has been released after more than a year in prison. she is being trance prtd to the suspect embassy. iran said it would release her as an act of clemency to coincide with the end of the muslim holy month of ramadan. they said there were unresolved legal issues. swiss diplomats are asking for the bail to be reduced. we don't know if it was paid or not. she has a lump in her breast that have been untreated and iranian still detained two other
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american hikers. those two are still in custody. they accuse them of spying. families insist they were just hiking and they crossed the border by accident. the united states has repeatedly said the three are not involved in espionage and pressed for their safe return. we'll goif you updates as the morning continues. other top story, the coroner will give us an update on the victims of the san bruno fire and dozens of residents are wondering what happens next after an emotional tour of their neighborhood and townhall meeting last night. terry mcsweeney is live in the area. people who live in the decimated neighborhood down the street from where i am want to know why pg&e didn't do something about this leak ahead of time. they say they called in reports. pg&e says we didn't know. the people who live out here want some answers and they are
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not getting any. people have lost their homes were allowed back in but only on a tour. a bus tour to see what is left following thursday's natural gas pipe explosion and fire. some people say they smelled gas out here weeks ago. one man says he actually saw pg&e crews out here with gas detecting wands last tuesday, two days before the explosion. pg&e says it received no reports about any of that. residents doubt that. >> i just think people mentioned the gas smell. but when the houses ignited. >> a packed townhall meeting. some people that have homes to return to are afraid to return to. jackie speier are trying to reassure residents that this is a rare event. not much constellation for some people.
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we are hearing that the pipeline was not capable of being zbkd by the newest and most intelligent technology, something that i can go down and check out the himself. that was unavailable to the site because of its age. people are still asking for answers and not getting them, at least at this point. pg&e reportedly has one billion dollars in insurance to pay for the disaster but customers would be stuck with the bill for future disasters if a bill backed by the utility makes it through the public utilities commission. teresa garcia is live to tell us more about that th. >> i can tell you it's such a catastrophe like this gas line explosion, last thing that people want to hear, that consumers may have to foot part of this bill. the state regulators are considering such a plan. what would happen the statewide
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proposal would require customers to pay all costs of fire that exceed coverage. pg&e is backing it but didn't introduce it. it was first proposed last year by san diego gas and electric in response to wildfires. if approved by the puc the san bruno fire would legally fit within this proposal which would allow the utility to charge customers. the utilities the change is needed because disaster insurance is becoming more difficult to get. opponents feel that it unfairly puts the financial burden on rate payers and could increase risks. even if this proposal passes, it's not clear whether it would trigger a pg&e rate increase. in the san bruno disaster pg&e would still be liable up to the limits of the fire insurance
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coverage which is about a billion dollars. pg&e says it believes most of the san bruno related costs would be covered. again, this is first step in the hearing by the puc, public utilities commission. if it moves on forward they could take a vote by possibly next spring or next summer. investigators have two areas of concern, first, that the pipeline has a long seem where it was woven together. they also found a variety of small pieces, each individually welded in place. more modern pipes are bent to shape which leaves fewer weld points that could fail. a microscopic examination will look for an answer. with pg&e's safety record under scrutiny a former employee
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came forward. he claims he was harassed after he raised questions about safety. he worked on pipelines and he complained that workers were sent that a ditch six feet deep without training or a required manual. >> i actually, i had the foreman take a pick of me in front of the ditch. we had to submit this to my supervisor. these threatened to discipline me over the picture. >> pg&e says it has no tolerance of retaliation and every employee is expected to raise concerns if they feel there is an unsafe situation going on. san francisco giants are expecting a capacity crowd tonight against the l.a. dodgers. they are donating $3 of every ticket sold at at&t park to a victims' fund. giants are first place tie with the padres after beating them on sunday.
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they will help donations from fans attending. let's get a check on the forecast. >> a little bit of a warmup. >> just a bit for the next couple of days before some bigger changes come for the weekend. starting out with cloudy skies, even in concord this morning, the fog is rolling in and higher clouds. 53 in fremont. good morning, san francisco, 55 for you. we are looking at onshore flow but not case at strong as yesterday. we're going to clear sooner that will lead to a gradual warmup, increasing clouds with chances of rain looking more likely with the recent forecast models. westerly wind, in the low 60s. 70s north and south bay. separate trough brought us a cooler monday. it's exiting throughout the state to the north of us. a brief warmup is behind it.
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we are looking at anywhere between three and six degrees warmer today. by friday we are clouding up and the rain chances down the peninsula. this morning look for 50s and then partly sunny and near 80 inland. good morning. there is some washington going on southbound 680 from 84 as you leave the sunol grade through the sunol grade down to 237 in milpitas in preparation of the new express lane. it will be free for carpoolers but single drivers may use it and pay an average toll of $4-6. >> and live shot of 680 in walnut creek, traffic around the bay area, earlier stall on the bay bridge has been cleared. no other accidents to worry about. that southbound 680. we'll check out north bay ride, 101 in san rafael, drive time
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right now is only 45 minutes from santa rosa down to the golden gate bridge. >> now, 5:09. >> wal-mart goes mobile. money scope report is next. >> also, as the san bruno fire victims assess their losses, what we can all learn from their plight. >> and did he feigs the odds, california students make steady gains in academic performance. >> and why the city of richmond is celebrating the arrival now i can stop pain from any angle-- with no mess. (announcer) new icy hot spray. relief that's icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. and no mess. new icy hot spray. don't mess around with pain.
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barbara boxer. she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law's keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she's fighting every day to create new jobs. boxer: i'm working to make california the leader in clean energy, to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans, to create thousands more california jobs. i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message because i want to see the words "made in america" again.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. we begin money scope report on reversal of facts. mitch mcconnell says every senate republican insists on extending bush tax cuts. >> wal-mart is introducing a new low cost cell phone service. it includes unlimited calling
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and texting for $45 a month with no contract or early termination fee. they will use. the mobile network. >> two giants of bullish on the economy. billionaire warren buffett says there won't be a double dip recession and they say explosion of technological inventions is on the way. >> president obama has pend a new book for children. it's sub titled "a letter to my daughters." it's out on november 16. >> time is 5:13. >> victims who lost their homes must deal with the realities of rebuilding. a disaster of this magnitude usually keeps the issue in the spotlight for months. it puts everyone including politicians and insurance companies under best behavior. still with so much money involved it's best to try to set your emotions aside and take
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care of business. >> insurance is big business. if you think your insurance company is going to come along to write you a giant check you are naive. >> those that suffered no damage or small loss of their home but still forced to evacuate there is money coming from their insurance company, as well. they must reimburse if there is a forced evacuation. deductibles must first be met. there is more links about these issues at point of richmond is celebrating the return of honda motor company. first shipment of cars received in april. officials will highlight the port of entry project today which is designed to generate $85 million to the local economy over the next 15 years. >> california students are
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getting encouraging news. a newly released test scores, they still lag behind the rest of the country. it rose 13 points allowing 567 schools to get federal funding for their program improvements. 46% of schools reached the target score of 800. more than half elementary schools but only 25% of high schools reached it. administrators say that is because the emphasis is on the younger kids. >> now the kids are starting middle school and we're starting to see the gains. we're hopeful we'll see the gains when they reach high school. >> the news isn't all good. san jose mercury news point out that most schools missed the mark to get federal funding this year compared to last year. >> mike is off today but lisa is here. check out to see if the sun's
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performance is actually something. >> we're looking at fog this morning. we should be seeing warmer, clearer conditions. let me see what i can do. we're starting out with low clouds and fog. we are going to switch things and bring warmer day with warmer flow. clouds around emeryville. they have made it to the east bay valleys. partly cloudy in concord. 58 in oakland, 53 in fremont. with 57 in san jose and low 50s, napa and santa rosa this morning. starting out mostly cloudy this morning but then look for the clouds to clear a little sooner. that will lead us to a gradual warmup today, tomorrow and even on thursday. friday forecast is for increasing clouds and would you believe it, rain looks more likely with each and every forecast model. light rain, right now we are looking at the cloud cover
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burning back to the shoreline. a weak onshore flow keeping numbers in the 60s. still below average but a bump up in temperatures throughout the bay area with more mid and upper 70s and few 80s inland. this week, a weak trough is moving overhead and be exiting the state today. behind it, that is the brief warmup. the ridge brings stable air and temperatures slightly warmer. this is what i've been talking about for the weekend. it's another low. temperatures today, not bad, 73 santa clara. 75 in san jose. getting a little warmer. 69 redwood city. upper 50s along the coast. 64 in south city with numbers ranging from pat, stinson beach. 78 calistoga. upper 60s for oakland. out over the hills, a couple of 80s towards brentwood and antioch.
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good morning, frances. >> i wanted to start off with mass transit. far no delays, muni commuters, drivers may call out sick today through saturday so we'll be keeping our eye on this. you may want to have a back-up plan. so far no delays report. check out a live camera shot. here is the bay bridge toll plaza. delay free right now. take your time. golden gate bridge, it's been pretty quiet all morning in the north bay. no problems at all. headlights in southbound, looking good out of novato. as you make your way toward the san mateo bridge, earlier road work has been cleared. you might find some road work northbound 101 as you make your way toward candlestick. find the latest at it's 5:18 right now.
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>> still ahead, new bid for peace between israeli and palestinians. >> and solving the mystery of the vanishing oil. they say they know where millions of gallons off the gulf coast has gone. tstststststststss
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as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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welcome back. 5:22. in the gulf of mexico. bp will take another couple days to seal the oil well. one group of scientists says it has pulled up sediment from the sea floor and found a layer of mud up to two inches thick and. they have learned the government will launch a new initiative
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this week involving dozens of scientists hunting for oil in the water. >> authorities in colorado say the wildfire that destroyed at least 166 homes was most likely sparked by a fire pit. boulder county sheriff's department says they mate a fire in the fire pit and doused witness water but investigators believe gusty winds re-ignited the embers and moved them out of the fire pit starting the wildfire. fire crews in colorado hope a containment line will stop flames from damaging homes in the second wildfire burning in that state. this wildfire started in the northern colorado town of loveland. it has scorched 900 acres of land. it was started by somebody burning brush. >> secretary of state hillary clinton is in egypt where she has convened a new round of mideast peace talks.
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she arrived overnight and met with mubarek. clinton says the time is ripe for mideast peace deal. abbas wants and curb the settlers. netanyahu has suggested some of the restraints will be lifted. >> scientists considering whether to pull a diet pill off the market because it's benjamin linked to heart attacks and strokes. they have posted a safety review online on the drug meridia. data released late last year that patients had a 1 percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke. european regulators pulled the drug in january. they will ask whether other places should do the same. >> we continue to follow breaking news that u.c. berkeley graduate shair ra shourd has
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been released in line. >> and if pg&e is liable for the san bruno disaster, why could do customers have to help pay the bill? more a bill that regulators are considering that would require customers to pay for some of the costs. >> no airport delays, much of the nation, quiet and comfortable. storms will break out today in kansas city and also west of st. louis with clouds around chicago. otherwise, we're looking like a very quiet pattern throughout much of the country, check out our website at
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find out what an experienced re/max agent can do for you. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. in the news this tuesday morning, breaking news, iran
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state public television reports that sarah shourd has been released from prison in iran. >> new bill could get customers completely outraged as they have to foot the bill for the san bruno explosion. it would require the customers to pay. >> good morning. i'm lisa argen. waking up to cloudy skies across the bay but they are not going to last like they did yesterday. sunshine earlier means a warmer day today. >> it's a great start for the morning commute. live shot of the bay bridge toll plaza, no delays. i'll let you know if it changes. >> good start to our tuesday. thanks for joins5jm us. i'm kristen sze. >> i'm eric thomas. >> its busy morning. breaking news, one of three hikers in iran has been freed. >> janelle?
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>> this is coming down within the past half-hour, sarah shoir d has been released from prison. this story happened, and her dad didn't even know she was going to be released. she is in the hands of the swiss embassy. they decided to release her on bail because of the medical condition. mother says the 32-year-old has a pre-cancer condition and a lump in her breast that has gone untreated. iran has been demanding $500,000 bail, no word if the bail was paid at all. for the past new days, there has been a lot of back and forth. they said they would release her but judicial officials cancelled plans, said there was unresolved legal issues. so today's news is welcome news, great news for friends and family. two others are still detained in
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iran. the three u.c. berkeley graduates were captured after crossing the border between northern iraq and iran. iran accuses the three of spying and illegally the country but the family insists they were hiking and accidentally crossed the border. we'll follow the story all morning and bring you the latest updates. san bruno fire victims are getting reassure answer that their neighborhood is safe as some are able to return home. others have no homes to return to. they were able to see the devastation during the bus tour of the worst hit areas. authorities say it's still too dangerous for them to go on to red-tagged properties. >> the truth of the matter is, this kind of an explosion is extremely rare.
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it's happened maybe two times in the country. >> it's still running through the neighborhood. it's near my house. there are areas of the pipe that you can't access. pg&e crews have been working to restore gas and electrical service. they homes in the area don't have gas or power. pg&e says it has no estimate of when the service might be restored. >> pg&e may of to answer tough questions when state regulators take a first look to have customers to pay all costs that exceed the insurance coverage. teresa garcia is live. pg&e is backing this proposal? >> indeed, pg&e is backing it but it didn't introduce it. there is some history behind it. i can tell you first off that customers would certainly be quite outraged as they are asked to help foot the bill here for catastrophe that they are not responsible for.
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it's all up to their insurance deals whether they have enough to cover it. certainly if the state regulators pass the bill, it's still not clear whether it would trigger a rate increase related to this san bruno catastrophe. it is today that the state lgh look at the proposal. it would require customers to pay all costs of fire that exceed the utility's insurance coverage. as we said pg&e is back it but it was first proposed last year by san diego gas and electric. if it's approved by the state puc, the san bruno explosion would legally fit within this proposal and it would allow the utilities to charge for the customers of past fires. pg&e and other utilities says the change is needed because disaster insurance is becoming more expense oif and difficult to get. you've got opponents saying that this plan unfairly places the burden on the rate payers.
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it could also increase the risk of fires by reducing incentives for utilities to maintain safe conditions. in the san bruno disaster pg&e will be liable up to the limits of the fire insurance coverage. that is about a billion dollars. it has said most of san bruno related costs will be covered by it, but that is yet to be seen. now in this state regulation, looking at the proposal, they'll be a vote on it by next spring. four san bruno residents are still missing. three have been identified. 32-year-old la von morris and the son and family of elizabeth torres she was one of the four people killed but the coroner has not yet confirmed her identity.
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security cameras in the area captured the initial blast revealing how big the explosion was. this surveillance video comes from a ka gas station at the corner of san bruno avenue and glenview drive. you can see a woman running from the flames. look at the flames fueled by the gas. in this clip i can see the first fireball erupting and another blast so powerful it appeared to launch some projectile through the air. it comes shooting out of the fire right out of camera's view. >> across the street, here is how it looked at the market. shoppers first feel the blast and chaos erupts as they literally run for their lies.
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it is now 5:35. let's get look at the weather forecast. >> lisa is here. >> we're going to see some changes. beginning with today, we are cloudy, 55 in san francisco. clouds making their way into inland valleys. concord and livermore, low 50s. 58 in mountain view and some upper 50s down by san jose. highlights this morning, clouds overspread the entire bay area. we do have a weaker onshore flow. gradual warmup, three to six degrees. increasing clouds and chances of rain in later in the week. this area of low pressure brought the cloudy weather yesterday. this will give a brief warmup and temperatures climbing a couple of degrees right on through thursday. then increasing clouds, north bay clouds and even peninsula could see some showers perhaps on saturday.
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67 san mateo. 70 in palo alto. 75 in san jose. 78 in morgan hill and look ahead calls for temperatures to climb slightly today right through thursday. here comes the clouds. >> nice and clear for your commute this morning. headlights moving westbound, only 18 minutes from the carquinez bridge. no delays at all as you make to your east bay and bay bridge toll plaza. next shot, 217 interchange in san jose, it's also been looking good there. headlights on northbound 280 and highway 17. no trouble at all. there is some road work on the peninsula on north 101 as you make your way from oyster point out to candlestick. lanes are scheduled to be blocked but should be cleared by 6:00 this morning. no trouble right now.
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>> frances, thanks a lot. >> still ahead, couple accused in a high profile murder of google job district. >> plus, over or under, san jose prepares to weigh on high speed rails and it could set the time line for the trains. >> and controversial fee san francisco will consider today that could add a few cents to the price of your next drink. when it comes to veterans,
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no one fights harder than jerry mcnerney. when some vets were forced to travel hours for care, mcnerney fought for a new v.a. medical facility, and won. mcnerney took on washington gridlock, to improve care for vets with traumatic brain injuries. his plan became law. that's why vfw state commander dave norris endorsed mcnerney. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i'm honored to approve this message. thanks, dad.
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when you use lysol neutra air fabric mist. it kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft surfaces and eliminates odors at their source better than febreze. so now a fresh home is the sign of a healthy home. for tips on a healthy home, visit ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. intrucing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving cream works quickly to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld welcome back. san jose city council is expected to decide whether high speed rail should be built above ground or under ground. they report the staff wants an aerial track but it will be noisier than an underground tunnel. a tunnel would take 7 years or more to build. it would cost five times more than $2.5 billion. >> today san francisco supervisors will vote on a measure that could drive up the cost of alcohol. liquor distributes, brew pubs and winemakers would pay extra, an extra 35 cents for gallon of beer they sell. dollar extra for a gallon of wine and 3.20 extra for a gallon
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of hard liquor. it would very likely be passed on to consumers. they believe it will raise 16 amendment a year to reimburse the city for alcohol related services. the oakland couple charged with murder of a virginia man will return to court for another hearing. they entered not guilty pleas to charges they shot a man during a robbery in july. he was in the bay area for a job interview with gool. they charged with murder and robbery. they say the couple took $17 from him during the robbery. >> a petaluma woman who was passed out from tequila after the toddler left the home, they have uncovered information not included in the initial police report about the mother, 23-year-old laura rendon.
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that led them to drop the charges against her. bloomberg business report is straight ahead. >> this it appears it's a natural gas explosion. >> frantic radio calls at san bruno's first responders battle water shortage and faulty water shortage and faulty information
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barbara boxer. she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law's keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she's fighting every day to create new jobs. boxer: i'm working to make california the leader in clean energy, to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans, to create thousands more california jobs. i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message because i want to see the words "made in america" again.
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as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes.
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we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again. good tuesday morning, waking up to some airport delays, locally with the low clouds, those should clear sooner today and more mild temperatures around the bay. 84 in sacramento today. 83 in the southern sierra while we still have warm conditions in the desert. los angeles, 79. look at your local forecast is coming right up.
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a look at the stories we're following, evacuee are getting reassurance that everything is being done to make sure the neighborhood is safe. they will make sure that pg&e inspects all gas pipes in the area. power and gas have been restored to all about they homes. >> state regulators will get the first look at a proposal backed by pg&e that would require customers to pay all costs of a fire that exceed the utility's insurance coverage. this would apply to the fire in san bruno. it was proposed by san diego gas and electric. >> take a look at security camera video a block away from the explosion site captured these pictures. it shows people running for safety as some sort of projectile is launched sky high from the blast.
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the latest on the fire coming up at 6:00. >> we've seen the pictures from the san bruno's explosion and fire and now we're hearing the frantic moments. janelle wang joins us with the audio. >> some of the first reports of the san bruno explosion came from pilots flying over san francisco international. firefighters were on the scene and realized they were facing their biggest job ever. >> we have possibly several blocks on fire. >> as firefighters pull on the scene, they instantly realize this is a disaster. >> it appears we have a plane down in the neighborhood. multiple structures on fire and we have a fireball still coming out. >> for nearly an hour, crews operate under the assumption that a commercial airliner has crashed. >> we have no water.
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>> we think we have a broken water main. we need you to come from san bruno avenue. >> we have an active hydrant at claremont and concord. a person with severe third-degree burns on claremont. we need an ambulance at that location. >> a prior to men pinpoints the cause. >> this is no -- >> it doesn't appear this is an aircraft. it's a natural gas explosion. >> many dramatic moments continue to unfold. >> be advised, we have reports on claremont. >> this is a natural gas leak and explosion, multiple
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structures and multiple vehicles >> if you would like to hear more of those dispatch audio calls we have posted them on our website at click on the link see it on tv. four firefighters were injured in the fire. they all suffered smoke inhalation and they have all made a full recovery. really dramatic audio listening to that. >> no dramatic changes to the weather but there is a change. >> finally. stuck in the cool weather pattern but we'll get out of it for a couple of days. cloudy skies and look for fog at the coast. not much, the deck of low clouds sfo reporting delays of 35 minutes due to the low ceiling. we'll look for sunshine a little bit sooner downtown. temperatures downtown not going to change. we're going to see the numbers warm up a bit away from the coast.
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55 in san francisco and 58 in oakland. 57 in san jose with low clouds moving into concord. napa reporting 51 degrees. gradual warmup started today and increasing clouds with another weak weather system wants to bring us rain in the peninsula friday through saturday. considering where we've been with one trough after another all summer long, you get the idea. here is another one that brought us clouds yesterday. it's exiting so behind eight brief warmup and a brief ridge of high pressure brings out sunshine a little sooner. upstream another area of low pressure, this is holding together with each and every model bringing in the chance of shower activity right on through friday and saturday. today, 73 santa clara. 78 in los gatos. enjoy the mild afternoon in
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menlo park at 69. changes here with the clouds and sunset district, golden gate park, san francisco, 62 degrees. should be in the low 70s this time of year plenty of cloudiness this morning. 73 in petaluma. east bay, 62 in richmond and 74 with afternoon sun in union city. down by the monterey bay, holding on to the cloud cover until about 11:00 and sunshine, look at the temperatures coming up just a little bit right through thursday. then increasing clouds and chance of showers through saturday. head over to antioch where aware 4, you hit the brake lights around lone tree and picks up. the normal slow and go traffic out of antioch. as you continue on 1242, live shot, traffic is moving very
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well. no delays heading through the san ramon valley. and through the caldecott, looking good down to the bay bridge toll plaza, no delays. all bridges are delay free. as we check out north bay ride, just a little more cars right now but overall southbound commute great out of novato. you can get the latest conditions as they change by going to our website any time at >> wal-mart unveils a new cell phone plan and apple could be working on a new ipad. >> jane king this morning's money scope report. >> more details over military death benefits and they implicate the department of veteran affairs. it showing the v.a. had a secret deal with prudential that left
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the insurance company withhold lump sum payments. they used these accounts to earn investment income. >> in the meantime, apple is working on an updated version of the ipad that will have a video camera. its feature that already on the iocht phone 4. >> and bargain shopping for a new cell plan at wal-mart, offering unlimited text plan for $45 a month and second will cost 25, no long term contract necessarily. >> the dow and s&p 500 rose to the highest in the month as regulators wanted more time to beef up books. and today is the second anniversary of the collapse of lehman brothers. >> waiting for superman, a documentary about failing u.s. schools. highway says the u.s. isn't producing enough skilled workers like microsoft.
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toyota says the new models won't be available until 2012. >> governor swarzenegger is in tokyo is making a songer pitch for business ties with california. he rode a high speed train to tout the state's plan for the high speed rail system. he says it's an important component to california's infrastructure. trade mission to asia takes him to south korea tomorrow. he hopes it will boost california's sagging economy. supervision are deciding whether to put a hold on installation on installation of any more smart meters. it would only apply to the unincorporated areas of the county. supervisors say the community has questions about the radiation emitted by smart meters.
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they want a team to study the data and have pg&e pay for it. watsonville and fair affects and marin counties recently passed moratoriums. >> a famous eatery has made its last sandwich. they closed their location on 16th street. restaurant served 30 people today to 600 thanks to appearances on travel channel in magazines. neighbors complained about the long lines and trash. those complaints resulted in them beingvery fricke the san francisco store. but a redwood shores location will remain opened and new shop opened on the stanford university campus. >> controversy generated more publicity as people lined up outside for business. >> did you get to the front of the line? >> just ahead, she is free. we'll have a live report on
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breaking news, iran's decision to free imprisoned hiker shair ra shourd and big questions that remain about two fellow cal students she was impression and with. >> who should foot the bill for the san bruno gas explosion? many would expect pg&e should be liable but
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our real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one:
5:59 am
state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.


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